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The Rhinoceros & The Pangolin


The Rhinoceros: The mighty rhinoceros is known all over the world for its large size and "nose horn" ("rhinoceros" in Greek).  It is commonly compared with a sturdy tank for its formidable appearance and strength.

The Pangolin: The humble pangolin is a little-known creature covered head-to-toe with unusual scales.  It often walks on its two back feet.  Some even climb trees.  For its scaly and compact appearance, it is commonly compared with an artichoke.

In this exhibit, explore the dangers facing both rhinos and pangolins.  Both are being hunted toward extinction due to demand for their keratin-rich horns and scales.  At least one species of rhinoceros will go extinct soon, as there are no breeding individuals alive.  Over 100,000 pangolins are killed each year, making them the most poached mammal on Earth.

So what is keratin?  Keratin is a strong protein grown by many animals.  Human hair contains keratin.  So do human fingernails and toenails. 

How do rhino horns and pangolin scales lead to poaching? An incorrect belief that horns and scales can cure a variety of illnesses has led to massive demand.  Organized crime and militia groups poach both rhinos and pangolins, using the income to fund terrorism.

Can these animals be saved?  Saving rhinos and pangolins depends on the same process.  Stopping demand.  Stopping poaching.  Protecting habitat.  Learn about people who are successfully helping rhinos and pangolins and how YOU can too!

Exhibit Panels:

This exhibit is made up of four panels, with proportions that may not be changed: The Rhiniceros & The Pangolin (minimum print size 3’x4.8’), Meet the Main Characters (minimum print size 3’x3’), The Story Takes a Bad Turn (minimum print size 3’x3’), and Here Come the Princes (minimum print size 3’x3’).



Reference Material and Instructions:

Enhance the experience of the exhibit when you use our Educators Guide!  The supplemental materials by The Paly Foundation, as well as external resources, make you an instant expert on the subject matter and keep you in-the-know.

Click the links below to explore (if a PDF does not auto-open after clicking a link, please check your web browser's tabs or your computer's downloads folder):

Educators Guide:


How To Host This Exhibit:

To request this exhibit’s graphics or if you have additional questions regarding the exhibit, please complete the form below. We will contact you within 48 hours to work out the details. Please review our Exhibit License Agreement (if the Agreement PDF does not auto-open after clicking on the link, please check your web browser's tabs or your computer's downloads folder). Fields marked with an asterisk (*) require an entry.


The Paly Foundation focuses on educational efforts that highlight the importance of conserving and protecting diverse natural habitats and wildlife populations.